Shocking video of Hyderabad students swept in Vyas river

This is the shocking, tragic and painful video of the Hyderbad Engineering students who got swept away in the Vyas river. The students went to Himachal Pradesh for excursion and stopped mid way to get refreshed. They went to the river after asking few locals whether its safe to go there. The locals answered in affirmative. The Hyderabad students went and started enjoying the picturesque beauty of the river and the small-big rocks. They started to click pictures, make videos but soon the peaceful Vyas river turned into monstaer and the water level rose in few seconds. The students swept away in the current and coudln't recover.

The dam authorities must be blamed for opening the flood gates without passing any warning, but the students should equally be blamed as they must have heard many such incidents when the water level rises suddenly yet they went right in the middle of the river. Also, the water level gradually rose and the students did have a chance to comee out of the water initially but they didin't and they never after that.

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